Monday, September 30, 2013

Individual Health Insurance And Other Terms

Individual Health Insurance And Other Terms - Indonesian public awareness of the benefits of life insurance to increase. One of the many popular insurance product is health insurance . Health insurance can be owned individually or in groups .
Individual Health insurance is a type of insurance purchased by individuals , not granted by the employer company . While Group Health Insurance is insurance provided by the employer / company to its employees as one of the facilities .
However, there are times when filing for an individual health insurance policy is denied by the insurance company . Upset ? Well that's probably that we will feel when receiving a rejection , but we already have high hopes to be able to have the best insurance products . Here are some things that will be presented to the provisions of the insurance company that makes our application was rejected .
At the time of registration for Individual Health Insurance , insurance companies generally use a process called underwriting , underwriting is used to determine the age , sex and medical history of the prospective insured . This information is used as the basis for deciding whether to accept the application or not the prospective insured , and to determine how the amount of premium to be charged .
Underwriting guidelines of each insurance company is different and is not publicly available , but in general, the provisions concerning :
1.Tinggi and prospective insured weight standards , measurement called the Body Mass Index , if the BMI is above 39 then the insurance company will reject your application . If your BMI 30 -39 chance the application will be accepted but with a higher premium .
2.Kondisi Health , there are some health conditions that make the prospective insured immediately rejected the application to have health problems that have not been examined by doctors , the health problems that can not be explained medically , still in treatment , certain chronic diseases such as AIDS , severe mental disorders , heart disease , kidney failure , diabetes etc.
3.Kondisi Health and Lifestyle / work that can lead to denied insurance , limited in scope , or subject to an additional premium , for example : health problems of the past that have been cured or no longer cause symptoms ( eg stroke after 10 years does not give rise to recurrence ) , allergies , ear infections are controlled , muscle injury , migraine , depression , and high-risk jobs such as diver / paratrooper .
Hopefully the insurance information from the description above, we will increasingly recognize INDIVIDUAL HEALTH INSURANCE and regulations of insurance companies .

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